matching animal words and picture puzzle

5 Awesome Early Literacy Activities for Preschoolers

Get ready to have a blast with these five exciting early literacy activities for preschoolers! Easy to do and loved by kids, give your child a head start today.


Have fun at home and help prepare your preschooler for school with these five fun early literacy activities! Just like you, we understand the importance of giving our kids a head start with their learning, and there’s no better way to learn through play!

5 Fun Early Literacy Activities for Preschoolers (h2)

These early literacy activities can help give your preschooler a great foundation in reading and writing as they get ready for starting school.

  1. Making books

Children’s books are great fun to make because they can be about any subject you like. Using whatever sized paper you like, put together a blank book. Chat about a topic for the book with your child; retelling something they have done or a favourite story, such as The Hungry Caterpillar are good ones to start with. Ask your child to tell the story as you write it down, and then you can illustrate it together. Now is a great time to talk about the parts of the book; cover, title, illustrations, author etc.

  1. Kick the cup

Gather a collection of paper cups (you could use skittles or cones too) and write one letter on each. Line them up and give your child a small ball to kick at them. As you call out a letter, they’ve got to knock it down by kicking the ball. A great activity at teaching letter identification and sounds.

  1. Sensory writing tray

Here comes the messy play! Inside a tray or plastic container, add one of either sand or flour. If you are brave, there’s always slime or whipped cream! Mix in some hundreds and thousands or eco-glitter for a bit of colour. Then using alphabet blocks or cards, ask your child to use their finger to draw the letters in the tray. 

  1. I spy sound game

Ideal for younger children, and something you can play anywhere, I Spy can be easily adapted to identify objects using initial sounds and not letters.

  1. Icy letters

Grab some plastic letters or cut out your own of ice cream containers and pop into large ice cube trays. Cover with water and freeze. Once frozen, place in a container with a collection of water play toys and get busy melting and identifying the letters.

Try out these early learning activities with your child. Which ones did they like the best?

sand in box

Do you have any you could share with us? We’d love to know add a comment or drop us a line and share them with us all!

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