6 Benefits of Sorting and Stacking Toys

Why Sorting & Stacking Toys Are Good for Kids

Toy, 6 Benefits of Sorting and Stacking Toys

Everyone remembers those shape sorting and stacking toys from their youth. But did you know that they remain one of the best toys you can give to a young child? We explain the six benefits these great toys offer – learn more now!

They may seem old fashioned, but sorting and stacking toys are one of the best toys for children. You probably remember growing up with a shape sorter, having to figure out if the square shape will fit in the round hole or not – we did! Or maybe you were a fan of those stacking boxes which fitted inside one another? We loved those too!

Today we’re bringing back your childhood nostalgia by sharing with you some modern sorting and stacking toy alternatives. We’ll also explain why they are so darn good and have helped generation after generation learn new skills.

6 Benefits of Sorting and Stacking Toys

Life is full of puzzles and challenges. Thankfully we have the motivation and determination to meet these challenges head-on and learn from them. Remember the puzzlement on a young child’s face as to why something doesn’t work the way they think it should? Then watched as they manipulate the object and it does something different, resulting in a sense of wonder on their face? Sure you have! It’s one of the great things about stacking and shape sorting toys!

There are also plenty of other benefits too, including these six:

  1. Hand-eye coordination – kids learn how to pick up a shape or block, and then let it go again.
  2. Cause and effect learning – the ‘what happens if I do this’ piece of learning is very important, and sets in motion for later years the understanding of consequences.
  3. Shape identification – not only can it help children learn the names of the shapes, but also their characteristics such as what they feel like and how many sides they have.
  4. Goal setting – it’s that determination that a child has to fit that circle into the container no matter what!
  5. Motor skill development – the manipulation of pieces requires considerable motor skills, and these toys give ample opportunities to develop this skill.
  6. Problem-solving skills – your child will learn how to try different ways of manipulating objects, and try different strategies.

It’s not enough to simply provide your kids with sorting and stacking toys then expect them to reap all of these benefits though. As a parent, you can help facilitate their development by being there and:

  • Demonstrating how to do the task
  • Posing simple questions
  • Talking aloud your thinking processes
  • Modelling positive behaviour when you can’t do something

Our educational toy range has plenty of wonderful stacking and shape sorting toys for young children! Be sure to pop into our store, or order online today!

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stacking toys were my boys favorite toy, sepnt hours playing with them


stacking toys were my boys favorite toy, sepnt hours playing with them


Stacking toys, can’t beat them.


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