9 Countdown to Christmas Ideas for NZ Kid

9 Countdown to Christmas Ideas for NZ Kids

 Looking for some fun ways to celebrate the countdown to Christmas? We share nine of our favourites with you, all certain to excite and entertain kids in the lead up to Santa.

Hunting for some fun ways to help your child countdown to Christmas? We’ve got them! Not only do these ideas help stop the repetitive questions regarding how long till Santa comes, but they also help build the excitement for this special day.

Advent calendars are a traditional countdown, and one we certainly love here at Kidz Stuff Online. There are a few others we’d like to share with you, many of which can be used in conjunction with a traditional advent calendar.

9 Ways to Enjoy the Countdown to Christmas with Your Kids (h2)

We’ve loaded up the sleigh with 15 awesome Christmas countdown ideas! They are:

  1. Advent calendar – we just had to start with this traditional Christmas countdown. While many of us grew up with opening a window to see a picture or receive chocolate, nowadays our kids are lucky enough to receive a toy! Our Playmobile range of advent calendars are just gorgeous – come and take a look!
  2. Daily book – Christmas is about spending time with family, so unwrapping and reading a book each day of December sounds like a fabulous idea to us.
  3. Christmas ornament – each day create a Christmas ornament or memento to celebrate another day till the jolly red man arrives. Or, each day add an existing ornament to the tree.
  4. Colouring in or activity – each day, colour in a page from a Christmas activity book together. Our Advent Activity Book is just the thing.
  5. Giving – donate a small item to your local foodbank or church to help people in need.
  6. Random act of kindness – from leaving a bunch of handpicked flowers to a card or note, leaving a random act of kindness for someone else.
  7. Paperchain – on the 30th November, make a 25 chain long paperchain. Each day, take one chain off.
  8. Elf on the Shelf – a fast-growing favourite of Kiwi kids, the Elf on the Shelf has quickly entered into the lives of many families during the Christmas month. Kids enjoy seeing the antics the elf gets up to during the night!
  9. Christmas crafts – from crackers to baking, tree decorations to gifts for family, there are plenty of Christmas craft activities to do during December. If your kids enjoy a specific activity, there’s no reason why you can’t do it again the following day too.

We’d love to know what your family does to countdown to Christmas! Leave us a comment below so we can try it too!

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